Online Safety

Online safety tools developed to identify the potential warning signs of at-risk student behavior.

Cross platform support with Education Pro

The first to respond to the changing online safety landscape

Building a full picture of every learner’s digital activity, Impero Education Pro’s comprehensive online safety tools are designed in response to UK Government guidance and legislation including The Prevent Duty, the Department for Education’s Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) guidance and the UK Safer Internet Centre’s ‘appropriate monitoring’ provider checklist, to help schools adopt a best practice approach.

Impero Education Pro provides a web-based interface for safeguarding staff designed to help schools to fulfil their legal duty of care around internet safety and safeguarding online. This best practice approach to safeguarding in schools, including active monitoring and logging incident captures to provide contextual insight, helps schools to identify potential risk, respond before an incident escalates, and educate students about responsible online behaviour.

Key features


Keyword detection

Identifying key words, phrases abbreviations or acronyms, which are typed, used or viewed anywhere on the network to help pinpoint vulnerable students potentially engaged in at-risk behaviour.


Keyword detection libraries

Utilising regularly updated keyword libraries, developed in partnership with UK Government, charities and specialist organisations, to detect concerns and provide definitions relating to a broad range of safeguarding issues.

Screen and video capture

Capture management & context analysis

Providing a historic log of all online activity, such as screenshot and video captures (including “who, what, where and when” information), with incident handling and reporting tools to evidence misconduct or safeguarding risks, which can be shared with external agencies where necessary.


Anonymous student reporting

Enabling students to report safeguarding concerns (anonymously if they choose) about themselves or another student to a trusted member of staff.


Enforce acceptable use policies

Reminding students how to behave responsibly online by enforcing acceptable use policies and running reports to measure their efficacy, while supporting GDPR responsibilities through verifiable consent.

Reporting and analytics

Reporting and analytics

Displaying all online safety data down to a granular level and producing detailed reports for the relevant members of staff to review and analyse.



Safeguard students

Adopting both a proactive and reactive approach to online safety, Impero Education Pro detects early warning signs so that school staff can intervene in potentially high-risk situations early and before they escalate.


Support best practice

Developed in line with Ofsted’s ‘whole school’ best practice approach to online safety, Impero Education Pro involves the whole school community and alerts the relevant staff members to incidents as they occur.

Provide contextual insight

Provides contextual insight

By providing the context to any keyword captures (with a screenshot or video recording), staff members can deal with incidents quickly and effectively, identifying and discarding any false positives easily.


Help fulfil legal obligations

Designed in response to UK government statutory guidance, including 'The Prevent Duty' and the Department for Education’s 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' guidance, Impero Education Pro helps schools to fulfil their legal duty of care.


Educate staff

Working with specialist organisations, industry experts and charities, Impero Education Pro's keyword libraries include detailed definitions and severity ratings. This helps to inform and guide staff members when they are alerted to a keyword capture.

Promote good digital citizenship

Empowering young people to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly, by educating them on risk and appropriate behaviour, so they will make the right decisions whether in or out of the school’s digital environment.

Ready to take the next steps?

We are here to help so whether you are looking to run through a demo, install a free trial, or just want to chat about switching to a new solution, please reach out to us.